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Volunteer Info

Hey guys!


As of right now we are just a small production team, and we currently have no plans to bring any new members in right now. That being said, we are open to volunteer work if you're interested in contributing to the game.


First, here are some things to know:


- You must be 18 years or older.

- Able to provide examples of your previous work.

- Must be open to feedback.

- Any work you do for the game is strictly confidential.

- Any work you do for the game may or may not be used in the final build.

- You will be credited for any work that does go into the game.


Secondly, if you are selected for volunteer work, please be sure to inform us if you are unable to contribute at a certain point. 


Email format:


Send to:


Subject: Name / Field of Work 

Message: Please provide any additional information or examples of previous work.


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