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Made up of 50% Taco Bell and 50% glitter. A gril who likes to draw other cute grils. Does the concept art and other art assets. Currently lives at home with parents (Wants to change that). You’ll find her at her computer being distracted by YouTube videos when she should be doing work. If she had to choose between her best friend Luni or Taco Bell, Taco Bell would always win hands-down. Has two cats of her own and wants to buy more outfits for them.



Basically the complete opposite of Tsunderella. Does the coding and actually gets work done. Is fond of cheesy dead memes. Has his own apartment but his life is even emptier than his living space. Would like to finally buy proper furniture for the friends he doesn’t have. Currently gets paid to arrange flowers but wants to burn the place down. Will work for food.



Copy-editor for the team, comes outside from his den to edit words and publish updates, then goes back to sleep. Alcohol snob, please don't ask him what the difference is between scotch and bourbon, because honestly no one cares. Doesn't even own a pair of Adidas shoes.


(Note to editor: Please Copy Edit This. Thx.)

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